The fundraising platform for agencies and tech partners

Ready to excel in the competitive world of fundraising? You’ll need a platform that focuses on revenue sharing, ease of integration and client success.

Boost client success with tailored solutions

Elevate your offerings by delivering exceptional fundraising solutions tailored to each client's unique needs. From custom API implementations to seamless integrations, Donately provides tools that enable your clients to reach and exceed their fundraising goals.

Benefits of a fundraising management platform

Your fundraising management platform should make your work easier, not harder. With a partner like Donately, you’ll see these benefits.

Work with a true partner

What sets Donately apart is our origin story: we were created by an agency, for agencies. We inherently understand the challenges, aspirations and intricacies that agencies like yours face. We've been in your shoes and designed Donately to fit them perfectly.

A team, not a product

The onboarding phase is just the beginning of our partnership. With our comprehensive post-onboarding assistance, we ensure that you're well-equipped to maximize the platform's potential at every stage.

Optimize your campaigns

Don't just track – act. With real-time indicators, know immediately if a campaign is working as planned or needs adjustment. Then go beyond the data and provide your clients with actionable insights that elevate their campaigns and drive meaningful results.

Limitless possibilities with our API

Donately’s API is a playground for innovation. This is where your agency can translate its most ambitious creative visions into reality. Our easy-to-implement code blocks and comprehensive sample library serve as building blocks, empowering you to deliver uniquely tailored fundraising solutions for each of your clients.


Customization at your fingertips

From minor tweaks to major overhauls, our API is built to accommodate every creative vision, offering limitless potential for personalization.


Turnkey code blocks save you time and effort

Don’t start from scratch. Implement your vision faster and more efficiently with our ready-made code blocks.


Simplify your tech stack

Eliminate the need for external tools with our native integrations, cutting down on both costs and potential points of failure and making life easier for you and your clients. With our direct integration services, we handle the technicalities, ensuring your clients get a seamless start.

Amplify your earnings with revenue sharing

Donately’s revenue-sharing program directly contributes to your agency's bottom line. Our 20% revenue share for agency and consultant referrals isn't just an added bonus – it's a direct way to amplify your earnings.

20% revenue share

Unlike many platforms that offer a token percentage, our 20% revenue share is designed to make a tangible impact on your agency's finances.

No cap on earnings

There are no hidden ceilings or restrictions, giving you unlimited potential to increase how much you earn based on the number and success of your referrals.

Transparent reporting

Our platform provides real-time tracking and monthly reports that detail your earnings, enabling you to fully understand and anticipate your financial gains from the partnership.

A dashboard designed for agencies

Donately's dashboard is the ultimate tool for agencies seeking superior fundraising management. Engineered to effortlessly manage multiple client accounts, our platform delivers real-time, in-depth analytics. Go beyond the data; provide your clients with actionable insights that elevate their campaigns and drive meaningful results.


Streamlined multi-account management

Our dashboard is specifically designed for agencies managing multiple accounts. Effortlessly monitor the pulse of each client from a single interface.


Real-Time Performance Metrics

Don't just track; act. With real-time indicators, know immediately if a campaign is working as planned or needs adjustment.


Advanced Analytics and Insights

Leverage our robust analytics for a holistic view of campaign outcomes, ensuring you can demonstrate compelling ROI to your clients with confidence.

We’re with you, every step of the way

Customer support isn't an afterthought; it's integrated into the Donately experience. We aim to be an extension of your team and establish strong, collaborative and lasting relationships with our agency partners.

Dedicated communications channel

Bypass the traditional waiting period with a dedicated Slack channel. Your questions will be addressed immediately, keeping your operations smooth and efficient.

Onboarding support

Onboarding is just the beginning of our partnership. With our comprehensive post-onboarding assistance, we ensure that you're well-equipped to maximize the platform's potential at every stage.

Team of experts

Whether it's a technical question, a best practice, or anything in between, our team of experts is just a click away, ready to provide insights, advice, and solutions tailored to your agency's needs.

Donately makes happy customers

Trusted by consultants and agencies of all sizes

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